Sutton Free Library

Sutton Free Library
The Sutton Free Library shall be closed on all Federal Holidays. Federal Holidays include: New Year’s Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Drinks in covered containers are allowed in the Library, both upstairs and downstairs. Food is allowed at Library-sponsored events. Patrons are encouraged to eat and drink at a table.
Patrons may use the Library phone for short calls. There is no long distance service.
Patrons may use the Photocopier/Fax machine. There is no charge for the first 10 pages. Donations are accepted for use.
The library historic document collection both media and print may be viewed by patrons under supervision of the Library Director. Patrons should speak with the Library Director to explain the reason for viewing and to arrange a convenient time for the requested documents to be brought into the main room at the library.
Announcements of Community interest from nonprofit organizations, individuals, schools and government agencies may be displayed on the bulletin board in the library. The library director will display materials when requested. No materials, leaflets or posters that advocate the election of a political candidate may be displayed on library property.
Displays and Exhibits
Either the library director or the Board of Trustees may deny a request if the library’s space is insufficient or the display is likely to physically hinder the regular operations of the library.
No display or exhibit may violate any local, state or federal laws.
No organization or individual will be permitted to place in the library any receptacle which solicits donations unless approved by the Library Director as a project which supports the library’s mission, goals and/or programs.
Granting of permission for displays and/or exhibits in the library does not constitute an endorsement by the library staff or Board of Trustees of the display or exhibit or its content.
Bulletin Boards
All requests must be made in person to a staff member.
The library may remove a posting seven (7) days after posting or after the date of an event displayed on the posting.
The library director shall have the right to limit submissions to a single, 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper per person or organization at any given time.
All submissions must comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
Library and Town of Sutton postings take priority at all times.
Per Town of Sutton ordinance, no animals are allowed in town buildings with the exception of service animals.
In the event of illness, family emergency, or jury duty, the library director will make every effort to procure a substitute to cover the library hours affected. However, if this is not possible, notices will be placed on the doors of the library.
At the discretion of the Library Director, due to power failure, when school is canceled, or when a snow emergency is declared. To ensure the safety of the staff and patrons, the Library Director may close the Library early when storm conditions warrant. If Town and Library personnel cannot keep Library walkways, stairs, and parking lot sufficiently clear, particularly in conditions of ice, freezing rain, or heavy snowfall, the Library will be closed.
The Library Director will inform the Trustee Chairperson of the Library’s closure. Every effort will be made to notify the public of the closure, if notification can occur safely.
Sutton Free Library Board of Trustees meet the first Tuesday of the month. These meetings shall be open to the public as described in the NH Open Meeting Law (RSA 91-A:2). Notice of meetings shall be posted in at least three public places at least 24 hours beforehand. Minutes of meetings shall be available at the Library within five days of the meeting for public scrutiny.
If the Library’s parking lot is full, patrons may park on-street on the right-hand side of Corporation Hill Road (facing uphill). It is requested that patrons park in the TDS parking lot only during night and weekend hours, not during business hours.
Adopted by the Sutton Free Library board of Trustees on February 5, 2019.
Reviewed by the Sutton Free Library board of Trustees on June 5, 2019.